Download Links

You can download only uncompressed modules from this page. Instructions on compressing them as well as the implications are here.

All module versions (7zSD) for installers use MSVCRT.dll (Microsoft Visual C runtime library). In other words, some functions are performed via this dynamic library, and this helps reduce the module size. This file is present in all operating systems supported by the module. Old module versions (7zS) that did not require MSVCRT.dll are no longer supported.

Most files on this page are packed in 7z archives. Ensure that you have the latest version of 7-Zip, or other software capable of unpacking 7z.


Beta Versions


File Size




45 KB

1.6 develop (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Modified 32-bit module (for LZMA compression method that 7-Zip uses by default).

7zSD extra

235 KB

1.6 develop (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Contains 12 modified modules (six 32-bit modules and six 64-bit ones). There is a separate module for each compression method (LZMA, LZMA2, Deflate, PPMd), as well as universal modules that support any of these methods. Additionally, there are modules with extra dialogs and a banner.

(CHM Format)

240 KB

1.6 develop (build 2712)

Help file for the modified module. It describes the configuration file parameters and provides usage examples.
. The English help file has not been updated for a while, so it does not cover the latest features.

Only Russian help file is available

(7z Archive)

710 KB

1.6 develop (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

The source code of the modified module and the 7-zip archiver used (version 9.22).

Stable Versions


File Size




43 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Modified 32-bit module (for LZMA compression method that 7-Zip uses by default).

7zSD extra

225 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Contains 12 modified modules (six 32-bit modules and six 64-bit ones). There is a separate module for each compression method (LZMA, LZMA2, Deflate, PPMd), as well as universal modules that support any of these methods. Additionally, there are modules with extra dialogs and a banner.

(CHM Format)

240 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)

Help file for the modified module. It describes the configuration file parameters and provides usage examples.
. The English help file has not been updated for a while, so it does not cover the latest features.

Only Russian help file is available

7z SFX Archive splitter

4 KB

0.2 (build 1017)
April 25, 2008

The utility can extract 7z archive and configuration file as well as SFX module from 7z SFX archive.

7z SFX Tools
(7z Archive)

730 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Set of tools for 7z SFX archives. It contains:
• 12 modified modules (two of them with extra dialogs and banners; you can see one when you run the installer)
• 7z SFX Archive Splitter
• two help files (EN, RU)
This bilingual (EN, RU) archive is an excellent demonstration of the modified module capabilities. The installer language is defined by the system language, or you can set it manually with -sfxlang parameter.

7z SFX Tools
(7z SFX Archive)

862 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

Set of tools for 7z SFX archives. It contains:
• 12 modified modules (two of them with extra dialogs and banners; you can see one when you run the installer)
• 7z SFX Archive Splitter
• two help files (EN, RU)
This bilingual (EN, RU) archive is an excellent demonstration of the modified module capabilities. The installer language is defined by the system language, or you can set it manually with -sfxlang parameter.

(7z Archive)

694 KB

1.5 Release (build 2712)
December 30, 2012

The source code of the modified module and the 7-zip archiver used (version 9.20).


Helpful links: